Strawberry Plants for sale

All Strawberries Priced the Same: 25 plants for: $ 15.00, 50 plants for: $ 25.00, 100 plants for: $ 45.00
CAVENDISH: Zone 3-8. This has become one of our favorite June bearing strawberries. A winter hardy variety that produces very large berries with excellent color, flavor and quality. Berries are red throughout and process very well. Makes excellent jam and for fresh eating.
EARLIGLOW: Zone 4-8. Put down the sugar, no need for it with this June bearing strawberry. This strawberry was ranked #1 for sweetness. Med to large fruit is excellent for roadside sales and home use. One of the best flavored berries out today.
“NEW” FORT LARAMIE: Zone 4-8. This everbearing strawberry will produce one crop in spring and another one in late summer or fall. It is possible to produce three harvests. It produces large, bright red juicy berries.
HONEOYE: Zone 3-8. This June bearer is considered by many as the best tasting strawberry ever produced. Heavy yield of conical-shaped, firm, juicy berries of good size. Excellent disease resistance and self-pollinating.
JEWEL- Zone 4-8. In today’s strawberry industry, Jewel appears to be the best all-around June bearing variety. Good for u-pick, shipping and longer season yields. Produces large, firm, wedge shaped fruit of excellent color and quality. A must for all serious growers.