Pear Trees for sale

We are again offering a wide variety of pear trees. Compare the size and price of our trees to the competition. All Pear Trees will be available for delivery or pick up as bare root stock. It should also be noted that all pear trees require 2 trees for proper pollination.
A Special Note on Pears: In our write ups, some varieties refer to specific other varieties as the best companion pollinator. To set the record straight, ALL PEARS will serve as a pollinator for any other variety.
ALL Pears are semi-dwarf except as noted and are priced as follows:
BIG – 9/16″ $45.00
XL – 11/16″ $50.00
BARTLETT – Zone 5-9. An old time favorite originating from England, trees produce large fruit, highly flavored and juicy. Excellent for fresh eating or canning. Ripens in September. Vigorous grower and bears young. Successfully producing fruit in Zone 4b. Available in: BIG Only
COMICE – Zone 2-8. An extremely cold hardy variety grown commercially in Canada. Pears are medium in size with a golden color. This dessert pear is sweet and juicy with luscious flavor. Available in: BIG ONLY
EARLY GOLD – Zone 3-7. An iron clad cold hardy pear producing small to medium size fruit very good for eating and canning. Has abundant white flowers in spring and attractive. Ure is a good pollinator. Available in: SOLD OUT FOR THE 2025 SEASON
FLEMISH BEAUTY – Zone 3-9. An exceptionally cold hardy sweet, juicy pear. A single tree can yield up to 50#. Excellent for fresh eating or be tossed into a fruit salad. Available in: SOLD OUT FOR THE 2025 SEASON
“NEW” HOSUI- Zone 4-10. If you’ve ever had a Hosui pear, you won’t forget the experience. Crisp like an apple. Juicy and sweet medium to large pear. Best if pollinated with Korean Giant or Juicy Jewel pear. This Asian pear tree only reaches 8-10′ at maturity. Available in: BIG & XL
” NEW” JUICY JEWEL- Zone 4-8. This is the first Asian cultivar from the University of Minnesota. Its crisp, juicy texture is disease resistant with early harvest. Use Summer Crisp or Hosui pear for pollination. Available in: BIG ONLY
KIEFFER – Zone 4-9. Kieffer pollinates well with Bartlett as well as with other Kieffer pear trees. The fruit is medium to large, crisp, juicy and sweet. Excellent for eating right off the tree. Available in: BIG & XL
“NEW” KOREAN GIANT- Zone 4-9. This Asian pear is large and in charge! Produces grapefruit sized pears. Don’t worry about having too many as they store up to 9 months. Best if pollinated with Hosui or Juicy Jewel. Available in: SOLD OUT FOR THE 2025 SEASON
LUSCIOUS- Zone 4-8. A product of South Dakota, fruit is juicy, sweet, medium to small and bright yellow. Ripens mid-September. Excellent dessert pear for the Northern Great Plains. Trees have good disease resistance. Use Parker to pollinate. Available in: BIG & XL
PARKER – Zone 3-8. An introduction of the U. of Minnesota in 1934, it is an open pollinated seedling of Manchurian pear. Produces large yellow-bronze fruit that is fine grained, tender and juicy. Upright and vigorous, it is an excellent pollinator for Luscious. Available in: BIG & XL
PATTEN – Zone 4-8. Patten is one of the best pollinators for most other pear trees. Trees produce fruit of very good size and quality, tender and juicy. Available in: BIG & XL
SUMMERCRISP – Zone 3-8. Recognized as the hardiest pear ever to come from the U. of Minnesota. An annual bearer, fruit is medium size, yellow with red cheeks, flesh is white, crisp, sweet and juicy. Harvest in Mid-August. A good selection for canning or eating fresh. This tree is very disease resistant. Available in: BIG & XL
URE- Zone 3-7. Ure is a small but very tasty pear measuring between 4 and 5cm. It has a rather thick skin, light green or yellow in color with darker green lenticels. Its flesh is tender and juicy with a sweet and pleasant flavor. Ripens in mid-August and is excellent for eating and canning. Available in: BIG & XL
Additional pears that are for Neillsville pick up Only!
Golden Spice Pear 2″ caliper Balled & Burlaped $150.00
Shenandoah Pear 1.5″ caliper Bareroot $ 65.00
Shenandoah Pear 1.75″ caliper Bareroot $ 70.00
Shenandoah Pear 2.25″ caliper Balled & Burlaped $150.00
Ure 1″ caliper Bareroot $ SOLD OUT
All stock will be Reserved and Shipped on a First Come – First Served basis.